We have been in Antigua for almost a week and should be here for another 5 weeks, it's a nice island in the sun and a lot less Americanised than St. Maarten. Falmouth Harbour, where we are based kind of reminds me of Lake Cootharaba back home in the sense that it is quite a small community with crap roads and the locals all seem to be stoned, I do love it though and overall, although hard to compare, I think it is a better place than SXM.
I have had a few days off over the last week and among the adventuring a few of us decided to go "Ziplining" which is where you climb through the rainforest canopy and flying fox between trees. It sounds fun and it would be for some, but it is a bit tame if you have bungee jumped or like we do, spent any amount of time up a rig. Nevertheless we didn't realise this until well after we paid for it, actually I think I realised it after the second line when the heavens opened and torrential rain drenched us all without mercy.
Here are some photos of the last week, including a trip to St. John's (capital city), Half Moon Bay, as well as a drive along the west coast and into the north. I was working on a short vid that I may one day show someone, so some of these photos were taken by Hannah with a quick edit by me. Now to figure out how to play videographer............
Ears: The Townhouses (remixing Alpine)
St. John's Life
Half Moon Bay
Pigeon Beach
The following are mostly by Hannah.
Cam before realising that cameras were not allowed whilst ziplining.
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