It has been a little bit back to reality for myself these last few days, not really, I just haven't been on the boat, of which is actually probably a lot more normal than the crew house i have been staying at. I did have these grand plans to go visit friends in Munich for the five days I had off, but thanks to my unorganised ability of living, booking same day flights were out of my budget.
Staying local worked out pretty well for me though - I met some pretty cool new people, pumped a few too many hours watching Wimbledon on TV, and really disrupted my sleeping patterns.
Highlights would definitely be the beach days I had, the most physical thing I did was basically trying to jump onto a li-lo - by the way, props must go to Lucy, for being an ace li-lo layer, even if she was half crippled!
My laziness got too me yesterday, after work where I realised I hadn't taken a photo since Sardinia, so I took a few, and here they are.
Ears: Illy ft. Owl Eyes.
Walking innocently around these streets leads to running into these characters, which leads to drinks on a school night.
I will be the first to admit that I have seen some cool stuff over the last 6 months. What I have noticed when trying to remember what I have done or seen, is that it is always easier to remember the people I experienced it with rather than the experience itself. A friend's laugh or that stupid thing they said or did whilst in that museum etc, they're the things that at the end of the day we all remember.
For example, I have known what the Eiffel Tower looks like since the days when Looney Toons were compulsory viewing, I never really had to go see it to see what it looks like to "see it". My memories of the Eiffel Tower involve a group of us standing beneath it on a cold February morning, laughing and throwing the "penguins unite" call around.
My memories of Switzerland don't really involve a watch or an army-knife, rather a 2 hour long snowball fight and a kings trip to Geneva that still makes me smile. With Berlin, I think about an "unnamed" persons cough, as well as waking with 6 people in the one bed and a few others on the floor after a night of partying.
Venice is known for its canals, but I will forever think of Bryan and how he scared the crap out of random people in his Carnivale get-up. Vienna takes me back to the Ikea store, and getting lost in it whilst trying to find an alarm clock.
I could go on for a while mentioning things, but for those who were with me, here are some photos of you that will hopefully ignite that little memory flame - everyone knows what I'm talking about though right.......................riiiiiigggghhhhhtt?
The song below and it's video shows a massive group, all cheery, thats how we rolled ha.
A few leftovers from the delivery trip back from Porto Cervo to Antibes.
Ears: The Vaccines.
I chose a short song for a short post - the fact that it makes me want to wreck something in a fun way is just a bonus!
Vagn and Josh navigating through the Bonafacio Strait between Sardinia and Corsica
A thing.
The rock that looks like a bear is called Bear Rock, there is also other "animal rocks" in this area and it kinda ends up being like a more igneous version of cloud gazing.